The online course will give you an insight into all the essential elements of the INTENSE approach. In the first step it serves as preparation for the Transition Coach Course within the project. This course will be updated on a continuous basis and should shed light on all relevant aspects until the end of the project and give the coaches the opportunity to acquire additional knowledge and to deepen what they have learned.
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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
- 5 Sections
- 31 Lessons
- 4 Weeks
- Chapter 1In this chapter you will find all basic assumptions and the theoretical backgrounds referring humanistic psychology. It is necessary to work through this chapter before attending the course in Berlin.8
- 1.1Basic Assumptions and Theoretical Backgrounds30 Minutes
- 1.2Changing The Mindset20 Minutes
- 1.3Theory of Personality and Self-Exploration60 Minutes
- 1.4Non-directive Coaching75 Minutes
- 1.5The 4 Sides of a Message or Communication Square45 Minutes
- 1.6Transactional Analysis4 Hours
- 1.7Assessments60 Minutes
- 1.8Train the Trainer concept45 Minutes
- Chapter 2You will find here additional theories, tools and methods referring different schools of psychology - Humanism, Behaviorism and Cognitivism.8
- 2.1Active Listening45 Minutes
- 2.2Motivational Interviewing45 Minutes
- 2.3Gordon Method30 Minutes
- 2.4Cognitive Restructuring60 Minutes
- 2.5S.O.R.C. and Functional Behavioral Analysis / Assessment (FBA)60 Minutes
- 2.6Transtheoretical Model of Behaviour Change30 Minutes
- 2.7Experimental Learning Theory30 Minutes
- 2.8Self-Determination Theory45 Minutes
- Chapter 3In this chapter you will find a huge collection of methods and learning settings in order to develop client's skills.5
- 5.1Competences for the Client to develop30 Minutes
- 5.2Development of client’s competences – social skills90 Minutes
- 5.3Development of client’s competences – personal skills60 Minutes
- 5.4Development of client’s competences – methodical skills60 Minutes
- 5.5Development of client’s competences – practical skills45 Minutes
- Chapter 4This chapter focuses aspects about the surroundings of a coach-client relation.4
- Chapter 5Evaluation of edcational programmes6