Competences for the Client to develop
Talking about a client-centred approach we have to think about KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS with which the client can realize the objectives and indicators.
The objectives are the goals we want to achieve. As you all know are the INTENSE objectives client-oriented. INTENSE develops an approach to the client (NEET), wherein the responsibility for getting a job, starting a training or educational program is laid upon the client as much as possible. The responsibility for a successful route is transferred from the system to the client.
An indicator is a measurable phenomenon that has a signalling function and indicates the level of quality. If an indicator differs from an agreed standard then adjustment is possible or necessary. As you know the INTENSE indicators are:
- school degree
- knowledge in an area of occupational fields
- VET degree
- professional experience
social stability
- optimism
- acceptance
- solution orienation
- quitting the victim role
- take responsibility for own life
- build new network
- shape and plan own future
methodical skills
Ability to search information and use it in a structural way to gain own knowledge – in short how I learn
personal skills
- openness to experience
- Conscientiousness
- Extraversion
- agreeableness
- tendency to experience unpleasant emotions
- need for achievement
social skills
- empathy
- motivation
- self-awareness
- self-regulation
What do we expect of the client in our transition concept?
Recognition: Acknowledgement by the client of the existence, validity of a problem.
Initiative: The client must be able to use the support on his/hers own initiative.
Objectives: The client must be able to develop his/her own objective/goals.
Pursuit: The client must learn how to pursue his/her own objectives.
Development: The client will develop his own competences.
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